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Safegaurding Policy

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This policy outlines the procedures and principles in place to ensure the safety and well-being of children and young people who access our online group tutoring services. It applies to all staff, volunteers, and contractors working with or on behalf of our business. The policy is based on the Children Acts 1989 and 2004 and Keeping Children Safe in Education (September 2019)

Designated Safegaurding Lead

  • Designated Safegaurding Lead/Child Protection Officer: Ms Vesela Alreni
  • Contact Details: | ++44 7554814898

Purpose of This Policy

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that our business is meeting its legal and moral obligations to protect children and young people from abuse, neglect, harm, or exploitation. It is intended to provide guidance and support to our staff, volunteers, and contractors in their work with children and young people.

Principles and Policy

Our business is committed to the following principles and values in our work to protect children and young people from abuse, neglect, harm, or exploitation:

  • We will always put the safety and well-being of children and young people first.
  • We will work to prevent abuse and neglect, not just respond to it.
  • We will respect the rights and dignity of children and young people at all times.
  • We will be open, transparent, and accountable in our work to protect children and young people.
  • We will maintain confidentiality in our work with children and young people, except in circumstances where there is a legal obligation to disclose or where the safety and well-being of the child or young person is at risk.

Definition and Responsibilities for Safegaurding and Child Protection

Safeguarding refers to the actions taken to protect children and young people from abuse, neglect, harm, or exploitation. Child protection is a specific aspect of safeguarding, which refers to the processes in place to identify and respond to child abuse or neglect. Our business recognizes that child protection is a fundamental part of our safeguarding responsibilities. We will work to prevent and respond to any concerns about the welfare or safety of children and young people who access our services.

Dealing with Disclosures

  • If a child or young person makes a disclosure to a staff member, the staff member should remain calm, listen attentively and take the disclosure seriously.
  • If the disclosure involves an immediate risk of harm, the staff member should call the emergency services.
  • The staff member should make a written record of the disclosure as soon as possible after it was made, including the date, time, place, and what was said, but not their interpretation of the event.
  • The staff member should not ask leading questions or make promises they cannot keep, such as promising to keep the disclosure a secret.
  • The staff member should inform their line manager or designated safeguarding officer as soon as possible.
  • The staff member should not investigate the disclosure or confront the alleged abuser.
  • The staff member should not share the information with anyone else unless it is necessary and with permission from the designated safeguarding officer or child protection officer

Signs and Indicators of Abuse and Neglect

It is important to be aware of the signs and indicators of the four categories of abuse and neglect, which include:

  • Physical abuse: unexplained injuries, bruises, burns, or fractures, a child being too scared to be alone with a particular person, or a child being overly compliant or withdrawn.
  • Sexual abuse: sexualized behavior or language, difficulty walking or sitting, or self-harm or suicidal behavior.
  • Emotional abuse: low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, or self-harm, or a child being overly compliant or withdrawn.
  • Neglect: poor personal hygiene, constant hunger, lack of appropriate clothing, or untreated illnesses or injuries.

Record Keeping

  • Staff members must record any concerns about a child or young person's welfare, including any disclosures made to them, as soon as possible after the event in the designated safeguarding log or report.
  • The record should be accurate, objective, and written in a way that is clear and easy to understand.
  • The designated safeguarding officer or child protection officer must review and sign off on all records.

Allegations against Staff

If a staff member has concerns about the behavior of a colleague, they should report their concerns to their line manager or the designated safeguarding officer immediately. If the concern involves the alleged abuse of a child or young person, the staff member should also inform the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO). The name and contact details for the LADO can be found on the local authority's website or by contacting the local authority's children's services department. All allegations will be taken seriously and investigated in accordance with our procedures and the guidance provided by the LADO. Staff members should not investigate the allegations themselves or confront the alleged abuser.


Our business recognizes the importance of maintaining confidentiality in our work with children and young people. We will ensure that any information shared with us about a child or young person is kept confidential, except in circumstances where there is a legal obligation to disclose or where the safety and well-being of the child or young person is at risk.


Our business recognizes the importance of e-safety in the protection of children and young people who access our online group tutoring services. We will take appropriate measures to ensure that children and young people are protected from potential harm or exploitation online.

  • All staff, volunteers, and contractors working with or on behalf of our business will receive e-safety training as part of their induction process.
  • Our business will have strict guidelines in place for the use of social media and messaging apps to ensure that children and young people are not exposed to inappropriate content or contact.
  • We will have robust filtering and monitoring systems in place to protect children and young people from online harm.
  • Any e-safety incidents or concerns will be reported to the designated safeguarding officer and will be dealt with in accordance with our procedures.